The Daily Adventures of Training for My First IRONMAN

Friday, January 28, 2011

Left Click.

I was enjoying being a bum while at home for the holidays about a month ago.  Lounging on the couch with safari at my fingertips, I clicked around to random websites. I found myself, like many times before, on reading articles and watching You Tube videos of this past year’s IRONMAN races in various locations. Then, the news feed on the left-hand- side of the website caught my eye. Under the news-feed I saw: NEW LOCACTIONS FOR IRONMAN 2011.  Immediate left click.
First, I saw New Zealand listed as one of the new locations. I got excited because almost one year ago, I, was in New Zealand studying rocks and volcanoes. I thought ….yeah, New Zealand would be a pretty sweet location to do an IRONMAN. I continued to scroll down and I could not believe the next international location that popped up on the screen: IRONMAN WALES.  Really? Seriously! And there was a video trailer. Immediate left click. 
I watched the trailer (which is conveniently placed at the bottom of my blog, if you want to watch) probably three times in a row. I watched. I listened to the inspirational music. I smiled at the narration because of the accent and stared at the familiar landscape shots which all looked familiar. IRONMAN WALES. 
For those of you who are confused by my fascination with Wales, and are wondering why the hell I needed to watch the trailer three times, need to know that the best six months of my life was spent in Wales. Carmarthen, Wales to be exact. I spent six months climbing mountains, sea kayaking, trying desperately to learn how to navigate a map with rocks as landmarks, and falling in love with Wales and my study abroad experience.  So, when I saw the Welsh dragon under that distinguished, red IRONMAN logo I was not excited – but nervous.
After watching the trailer, I got a deep pit in my stomach- a pit that truly only athletes know and recognize. I got that feeling that comes the night before the big race, the big game, or the big match. I was nervous, because I already knew deep down in my gut, which is where I think all of our emotions reside, that I would do IRONMAN WALES.
First, come the nerves.  Second, come the questions:  Could I really do an IRONMAN? Could I really do an IRONMAN that is nine months away? Did I have time to train? Never mind the time… do I even know how to train for an IRONMAN? What am I thinking? I have never run a marathon. Hell, I have never officially run a half-marathon! What am I thinking?  I have completed three triathlons in my life- and mind you- they were sprint triathlons! How do I even know if I like triathlons?
When I fell onto the IRONMAN WALES trailer I was home alone. If I could have gotten an internet connection, I may have waited in our driveway for my parents to arrive home from wherever they were, to show them the video.  Initially, I thought I was just excited and anxious to show them that Wales had made the map on the triathlon scene.  But, that would be a lie. I wanted my parents to come home and watch the video, so they would do what they do best…… believe in my gut.
So, it is Wednesday January 26th, 2011. Nothing too terribly special about this particular Wednesday- there is still snow on the ground, I had my egg burrito for breakfast, and  I signed up for IRONMAN WALES. Normal, except I took the leap. I found out about IRONMAN WALES before Christmas, but it has taken me until now, to finally left click on the registration page for IRONMAN WALES.  I had to let it marinate. I had to think about what my answers would be to all those questions. I needed a plan. I needed to soak up all the support from my parents and friends and turn it into action. As much as I wish I was one who could make snap decisions, in reality, I am the type of person who spends literally 20 minutes picking out a deodorant and ends up with the same brand and fragrance that I always purchase. However, even with the few extra weeks of thinking about IRONMAN WALES, I don’t have all the answers to my questions, and I don’t have a professional nine month plan, and I still have that nervous pit.  But, today I left-clicked. I made a decision guided not by rational thinking, but by a force in my gut.

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